HTTP evolution (part 1 - HTTP/1 & HTTP/2)


Did you know that HTTP/3 is available? The majority of big browsers support it, and some big domains like Youtube, Facebook, Google, CNN already use it! You can check it yourself here. 🎉 🎉

This post is under revision atm. Its first intro chapter is going to be updated.

Intro (for novices)

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the underlying protocol of the World Wide Web. It represents the foundational set of rules and standards that allows communication between web browsers (clients) and web servers. HTTP (together with lower network protocols) is what makes it possible for you to click on a link or enter a URL in your browser and have the content from a web server displayed on your screen.

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

TCP operates at the Transport layer (Layer 4) of the OSI model. It promises guaranteed delivery of messages it gets from the layer above to the destination. TCP also breaks long messages it receives into shorter segments and provides a congestion-control mechanism. But, a downside is that every TCP connection requires a three-way handshake - a process used to establish a reliable connection between a client and a server before data transmission begins. We will see in the next blog post how HTTP/3, built on the QUIC protocol, eliminates the 3-way handshake entirely by using a connection establishment process that requires only a single round-trip.


HTTP/1 was introduced in 1996. Before that, there was HTTP/0.9 - a simple protocol that only supported GET method and had no headers or status codes. And it was possible to transfer only HTML. HTTP/1.0 added headers, status codes, and additional methods (POST and HEAD).


In HTTP/1 every request to the same server required a separate TCP connection. Which meant that every HTTP request triggered a TCP three-way handshake which is a time-consuming task. If a web page contained multiple resources that have to be fetched (css, images, js), a new connection was needed for every resource (per every request). Browsers were designed to improve this a bit by opening couple concurrent connections, but in order to not overload the server or network, there’s a limit of parallel TCP connections a browser can establish per domain. This limit is usually 6.


HTTP/1.1 was published in 1997 and people usually refer to it when talking about HTTP/1. It brought many improvements.

Persistent connections

In HTTP/1.1 a TCP connection can be reused to execute several HTTP requests. This improved performance because it decreases the number of 3-way-handshakes. But, the limit of 6 concurrent connections was still there.

HTTP/1 Multiple TCP Connections vs HTTP/1.1 Persistent TCP Connection


HTTP/1.1 also introduced pipelining which allowed clients to send multiple requests over a single TCP connection without waiting for each response. For example, when the browser sees that it needs two images to render a web page, it can request them one after the other. Pipelining further improved performance by reducing latency for each response, but was limited by HOL(head-of-line) blocking. This issue is where handling a later request is blocked by one slow or blocked earlier response. Besides this, pipelining required special server and proxy support which was tricky to implement. Because of all of this some browsers never implemented it and other disabled it by default after some time due to issues with compatibility and performance.

HTTP/1.1 Pipelining

Head-of-Line (HOL) Blocking

An issue that occurs when multiple requests are queued over a single TCP connection. If a single request in a pipeline takes longer to be processed by the server, it delays the processing of all subsequent requests, because responses needed to come in order.


The problem can also occur at the TCP layer, where packets are transmitted in order and must be reassembled correctly. If a packet is lost or arrives out of order, all subsequent packets are held up until the missing packet is retransmitted and received, causing delays.

Caching and Conditional Requests

HTTP/1.1 added the Cache-Control header which provides more fine-grained control over caching compared to the Expires header used in HTTP/1.0. It also added ETags (Entity Tags) - unique identifiers assigned to specific versions of a resource (eg. if a file content changes, the etag also changes).


Conditional requests, using headers like If-Modified-Since (was available in 1.0) and If-None-Match (added in 1.1), enabled clients to request resources only if they had been modified since a previous request, saving bandwidth and improving performance.


When a browser caches a resource with an ETag, it can later use this ETag in an If-None-Match request header to ask the server if the resource has changed. If the resource is unchanged, the server responds with a 304 Not Modified status, otherwise the server sends the new version with an updated Etag. Conditional requests using Etags are better than only using the max-age header, because with the latter it can happen that the browser still uses the old version of the resource even though it has changed on the server.

Chunked Transfer Encoding

In HTTP/1.0, the Content-Length header was commonly used to tell the client how much data to expect in the response. Without this header, the client wouldn’t know where the response body ended, which could cause issues with processing the response correctly.


HTTP/1.1 introduced Chunked Transfer Encoding, which is a method for sending data in chunks rather than requiring the entire response to be sent in one go. Each chunk is preceded by its size in bytes. The response ends with a zero-length chunk, signaling the end of the data. This method allows the server to begin transmitting data immediately, even if the total size is not known yet, improving efficiency for certain types of content, eg. streaming large amounts of data, or dynamic content generation where the total content size is not known at the start of the response.

More HTTP methods

New HTTP methods were added: PUT, PATCH, DELETE, CONNECT, TRACE, and OPTIONS. Besides methods HTTP/1.1 also introduced new status codes.

Host Header

HTTP/1.1 introduced the requirement for the Host header in requests, which specifies the target domain name. This allowed multiple domains and subdomains to be hosted on a single IP address, enabling servers to efficiently manage and serve multiple websites from the same address. This led to virtual hosting which is commonly used by hosting providers.

Domain Sharding

This is not a feature but a technique that was used to increase number of concurrent opened connections. By using multiple domains or subdomains, you can increase the number of simultaneous connections, allowing more resources to be downloaded in parallel. For example websites can serve static assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript from subdomains and serve them in parallel.



Despite the improvements introduced in HTTP/1.1, there were still many areas for enhancement. Some of the “issues” were TCP’s 3-way-handshake, limited parallelism due to browsers limiting connections per domain, HTTP/1’s text-based protocol and verbose headers, TCP’s slow start algorithm…

TCP’s slow start algorithm

TCP slow start is a congestion control mechanism used in TCP to manage the amount of data sent over a network. It is designed to prevent network congestion by gradually increasing the data transmission rate until network capacity is reached. But even though it is effective in general it has some limitations.


In 2015, HTTP/2 was launched to address some performance problems of HTTP/1 (HTTP/1.1).

Binary Protocol

HTTP/1 sends messages in plain-text format, while HTTP/2 encodes them in binary format.
Binary data is easier and faster for computers to parse compared to text, and is less Binary protocols are less prone to errors and ambiguities that can arise from text-based protocols.


HTTP/2 introduces the concept of frames and streams. In HTTP/2, messages are divided into smaller units called frames. Specifically, the Data and Header sections of a HTTP request or response are split into different frames — Data frames and Header frames. Each frame is associated with a specific stream, which represents a single request-response pair. By splitting the message into frames, HTTP/2 enables more efficient processing and multiplexing of requests and responses. Multiple frames from different streams (requests) can be sent over the same TCP connection, allowing for concurrent data transmission. Every frame contains a stream identifier in its header which helps the client reassemble the data.


Multiplexing in HTTP/2 is a key feature that allows multiple requests and responses to be sent concurrently over a single TCP connection. With multiplexing, frames from multiple streams can be interleaved and sent over the same TCP connection. This means that the client and server can simultaneously handle multiple requests and responses without waiting for one to complete before starting another. This eliminates head-of-line blocking and significantly improves performance.

Stream prioritization

HTTP/2 allows clients to assign priority levels to different streams. This is done to indicate which requests should be processed first. Prioritization helps the server decide the order in which to allocate resources and send responses, which can impact the perceived performance of a web page. With default multiplexing responses can come in any order which is often not optimal for the client. For example, if the server sends a large image before the main stylesheet, the page might appear unstyled for a while, leading to a slower perceived load time.

Header compression

In HTTP/1.1, only the main data (body) of the HTTP message was typically compressed, while headers were not. This was partly because headers were relatively small, and the performance gains from compressing them were not considered significant at the time. However, with the modern web’s increased complexity and the growing size of headers and their repetition, the need to reduce even this part of data transfer became apparent. HTTP/2 uses HPACK compression algorithm to reduce the size of HTTP headers. Headers are compressed and sent in a more efficient format avoiding repetition.

Server Push

Server Push in HTTP/2 is a feature that allows the server to send resources to the client proactively, without the client explicitly requesting them. This can improve the performance of web applications by reducing the number of round-trip requests needed to load a webpage. The server can anticipate which resources the client will need based on the initial request and sends them in advance. For example when the client asks for a HTML page, the server can also send CSS, JS and image files it knows are needed for that page.

Challenges with HTTP/2

Most challenges and limitations of HTTP/2 are connected with the TCP layer:

  • HOL blocking is still happening at the TCP level. If a single packet is lost in a TCP connection, all streams using that connection are blocked until the missing packet is retransmitted and received.
  • Three-way handshake and slow start algorithm impacts performance in scenarios when low latency is crucial.
  • TCP connections are bound to specific IP addresses, so when a client’s IP changes (e.g., switching from Wi-Fi to cellular), it can cause dropped connections and delays due to the need to re-establish the connection.
  • Modern networks (wireless) have different characteristics compared to the traditional wired networks for which TCP was originally designed. HTTP/2’s reliance on TCP makes it harder to optimize for these newer environments, where latency and packet loss are more common.


References and resources

Need a ☕ now. Stay tuned for the next post on HTTP/3 and QUIC! 🚀

by diksipav - © 2024